Laurie's Blogs.


Jun 2013

Laser versus acupuncture

Hi Laurie

Loving your info, can quote me on that!

I use acupuncture heaps but seems like laser would be useful as well. Also, would it be useful to tell us what the advantages/disadvantages of both would be? obvious needle phobias, supersensitive would be better with laser, but I have seen some careless laser users cause burns or, at least , not be effective, what do you think?

Regards -  K.


Hi K.!

I often use acupuncture and laser in combination.  Really, you are utilizing different pathways to accomplish your goal.  For example, I can acupuncture around an arthritic stifle, and laser the joint line, trigger points up the quads / sartorius / TFL, and the nerve roots (L4-S1)... this way, my acup is working for pain modulation and stimulation of circulation... my laser is doing the same thing - but also having pain relieving effects by reducing nerve conduction, as well as promoting cartilage regeneration.  In my hands (and eyes) the two go together perfectly!!!  I don't actually look at them as 'competition' or 'replicating' modalities - I think that in conjunction is by far superior!!


We've never had any laser burns.  You may need to turn the unit down (i.e. take it off of continuous wave - in order to pulse it) on some of the dark haired dogs - which makes your treatment time longer... but current research is pointing to that being advantageous anyways!  I would suspect that any burning is being caused by poor use of higher powered Class 4 laser users - higher power, higher heating, higher danger... and in untrained hands - absolute danger!  


And to discuss ineffectiveness - that too comes down to poorly trained users - AND, lack of pathoanatomical diagnoses.  If you aren't treating the right thing - it won't get better!


I hope this helps! 

Cheers! - Laurie
