Laurie's Blogs.


May 2013

Frustrating TPLO case


I have a frustrating case that is avoiding all the tricks.  We have a 3 year old Boarder Collie that was originally referred for left iliopsoas, had one visit then 10 days later came in  non weight bearing and painful and effusive in stifle. No pain on iliopsoas or anywhere else in the dog.  I sent him  back to surgeon for re-eval of stifle.  They did a TPLO, dog came back 3 weeks later for first rehab session non weight bearing and had  not used the leg at all since surgery.  We sent back to surgeon for recheck rads just to make sure (which were done at about 4 weeks).  A different surgeon saw, could not come up with any pain, rads were OK, sent back for rehab. 


We cannot get this dog to use the leg over ground at all - tried every noxious stimulus on the good leg, he just hi steps on the RH and carries the LH. We have been e-stiming and lasering. I have been lasering the stifle, and his pectineus which is quite tight, but no hip pain.  I suspect this if from the constant carrying of the limb.  He is non painful on the leg. I cannot get any pain anywhere else - back and pelvis are good. On the second visit he did start to use it in the water. But still nothing on land (we are at visit three, six weeks post surgery). Dad brings him  once to twice a week as he is able. 


Any suggestions? The baggie, scrunchie syringe tops do not work.  UGGH!   Today we walked him over some large pebbly rocks and this prompted him to toe touch every few strides... but nothing else has been reliable.  Not sure if I should just have him come more frequently to use UWT since that seems to be the one thing that does encourage him to use it?  He is SUPER high strung, so that does not help matters :-/


Thank you for any pearls of wisdom you can provide!!!!



Oh these can be frustrating.

Check the sacroiliac joints and the lumbar spine just to be certain.


Maybe try to get more aggressive in the UWT faster, slower, faster, slower... change it up.

Try boot camp exercises... Land treadmill rears only.

Weave poles,

Steep up hill walking 

Harness the dog and encourage pulling on a walk.

Bandage the 'good' rear foot into flexion and encourage walking

Tug of war

Backing up...


Maybe try dry needling the quads, sartorius, TFL on the affected leg... I assume it's full of triggerpoints now.


These ones are hard - you just throw everything you can think of at them!


Good luck... let me know! - Laurie


Thanks! Steep hill walking and varying speed on UWT helps . He actually used it for cavalettis spaced so only one foot per space. But only does it twice then carries leg. He's a real Turkey!


These ones drive you crazy!  Keep up the good fight!

Best of luck! - Laurie
