Laurie's Blogs.


May 2013

Laser and the FHO


Hi Laurie,

Could you give me your insight please; an older dog with a new FHO; they think it was a chronic problem, but it is a rescue so not sure. Could you please tell me what areas would be best to laser after this FHO?

Many thanks!


I'd be happy to add my thoughts to this case for you. 

So the concern with an FHO (femoral head ostectomy) is that the 'false joint' that is resultant after the surgery, is reliant on scar tissue to hold it together.  As such, there is a risk that one could 'over laser' the area and inhibit scar tissue formation.  A reduction of SOME inflammation is beneficial but I think that pain relief should be the main goal.

Thus I tend to recommend laser use in these cases - directly over / around the hip / greater trochanter / & a few shot to the medial side of the joint - no more than 3 times a week. (Once or twice a week is likely realistic from client perspective.)  I’d recommend 4J/cm2 as a starting dose.  However, I would also laser at the same time, the rectus femoris, sartorius, & iliopsoas to deal with trigger points and overuse from hiking the leg.  I would laser the same-side nerve roots L2-L5 (higher doses – 10J/cm2) in particular for pain relief.  And then the cranial thoracic spine and bilateral teres major muscles (which may be compensating for the back end weakness/pain) – I like 6J/cm2 for these regions.  These secondary regions could be addressed more than the 3 times a week (IF this were a dog that was in-clinic…however I wouldn’t say it would be mandatory).

I hope this helps!!

