Laurie's Blogs.


Jun 2020

A Little History - Me & Animal Rehab in Canada & Beyond

Here’s a blog that comes from a project that we have been wanting to get started up here in Canada for our Animal Rehab Division.  For a multitude of reasons, the project has not taken off (problems with the ARD youtube channel, etc!)  Anyhow, I figured it was something that I could use or could be shared if I simply uploaded the video I created to my own YouTube Channel.  So, I'm using it here as this week's blog!  

I think this was filmed last year or the year before out in my backyard when I had just come home from yoga.  Bad outfit, bad angle, bad hair, bad wind, bad double chin!  Ah well.  Forgive me the flaws!  May it be interesting, useful, or inspirational to others in some way!

Cheers!  Laurie

