Laurie's Blogs.


Nov 2016

Business Lessons I Learned this Week

Business Sucess

This week I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a business workshop – Business Freedom Blueprint by Paul Wright.  Paul’s a physiotherapist-entrepreneur.  He owned several clinics, figured out the formula to success.  Sold them all and then went into business education.

It was a great workshop filled with physiotherapy clinic owners, practitioners, and some chiropractors.  Paul took us through 6 areas that lead to success and 9 action items to implement.

In this blog, I want to cover my favourite 3 ‘a-ha’ items from the talk:

1.The Written Report of Findings

How many of you actually write out your findings, treatment plan and recommendations for future therapy for your clients?  Do you give them a written page to take home?  Well that one piece of paper could be golden!  Most people don’t pay full attention to what you say.  They forget what you recommended.  So write it out!  So simple!  A piece of paper. Fill in the blanks. Tick the boxes.  Make a copy for the chart.  Hand the original to the client!  Include your findings / diagnosis, the treatment you did that day, your suggestions of what future treatments could include, and your recommendation for future bookings (how many appointments, how often).

THIS is concrete.  THIS shows that you have conviction in your assessment and treatment plan.  THIS conveys confidence and allows the owners to feel comfortable in their choice to entrust YOU with the care of their beloved pet.  So start writing out your Report of Findings.

2.Key Performance Indicators

What gets measured improves.  So what are you tracking?  

Do you have a Drop Off list, and do you call people back when they’ve failed to show up or return after a month?  If not, start!  This along can tap into untold dollars.  More often than not, people have forgotten, or gotten busy.  They just need a wee nudge to get back on track.  So call!  Check in on their dog.  The script should include asking how their pet is doing.  Is he / she 100% better?  If not, you’ like to help improve him / her.  

Maybe try tracking the number of new patient re-books, the time frame between rebooks, the patient visit average over a 3-month / 6-month / 12-month period.  How do each of the practitioners compare?  Can you improve your numbers?  Can you set goals for these numbers?

3.  Check Lists! 

Make them!  Make sure that there are check lists for all the things that happen with each new patient.  Did they get a copy of their Report of Findings, the clinic & therapist info, the cancellation policy, informed consent, etc.?  

What are the things that each therapist should be doing?  Patient call backs.  Tidy the treatment room.  Doctor reports.  The written report of findings.  New patient follow-up.

What things need to be done daily, weekly, monthly?  Write them out.  Create the lists.  Use them!

So, I’m going to bust my tail to start implementing some of these items and see where it grows my business.  THEN, stay tuned for a FourLeg / Laurie Edge-Hughes course on Business Strategies for Growth.  In the mean-time, try these 3 things on for size and see what it does for your practice!



