Laurie's Blogs.


Jan 2016

Commentary - Theraband abdominal wrap & Sesamoid pain

I love getting your success stories based on information you gleened from  Here are two such stories!


I see a DM dog who is 18 mos post diagnosis, in a cart. Since her cart was measured, she has lost a lot of thigh muscle mass and she has recently started to sway back and forth while walking in the cart.  Eddies wheels is adding a belly support band to help address the issue.

During her rehab session this week, while  I was trying to come up with new core strengthening exercises, I remembered your theraband around the belly video to encourage abdominal muscle engagement and we tried it with her.  When she walked out of the clinic in the cart wearing her theraband, we noticed the lateral swaying in the cart had stopped!

So happy and surprised by this unexpected sudden improvement.

Grateful for your website and thank you!

Lynn Nalepa, LVT, CCRP 

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So I just used your site to diagnose Sesamoid pain in a chronic pain case. Do you think taping would help or would a padded boot work?

Dog did great today (now that I finally found the side tracked by his neck pain that I had already fixed and treated that as a possible flare up a couple times) with laser and mobs. But I'm thinking he may need to get off it for a bit.

Carrie Woodcock


That's awesome!

So, I think a padded boot might work.  Therapaw had made booties for greyhounds with corns - Cushy Paws. Alternately, their therapaw boots.  I worry about taping... since it doesn't let the foot splay out, like with normal contact, so it might be a 'negative' reinforcer to not put weight on the foot instead of cushioning and allowing of such.

I guess it does give you two options should one or the other fail.

Good luck! 

Cheers,  Laurie
