Laurie's Blogs.


Jul 2014

Success is Relative

I have an animal-rehab friend who asked me recently, "Do you have 1000 subscribers on your FourLeg site yet?"  And I gasped, "No! Not even close!"  "But it's amazing!  How come everyone who does this isn't a member?" she asked.  Really, I don't know the answer why everyone isn't a member.  But even without 1000 subscribers, I am happy with the success of the site and that so many people are continuing to benefit from the library of information.


Another friend (who shall remain nameless because some of you might know her) is able to read palms.  So when I last saw her and she read my palm, she told me that my palm indicated I will be 'successful enough' and have 'enough money… not rich, but enough money.'  You know, I'm totally okay with that.  There's plenty of things I don't need… they might be fun to have, but I don't NEED them!  I'm okay with having enough.


And I just finished reading the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris.  The premise of this book is to find a way to work less, enjoy life now, travel and out-source tasks as much as you can.  Essentially, you don't need to work like a slave, save mega-bucks and wait for retirement to enjoy life… do it now!  Nice concept, but is't not as 'do-able' for those of us in a service industry.  However, there are some poignant take-away's from the book… so it is worth the read.


Which takes me to the point of this blog… What defines success for you?

  • How rich do you need to be?
  • What defines success in your personal life?
  • What defines success in your work life?


So tell me…

Do you have a story to share of a time or incident where you felt successful?  What was it?  What was it about that made you feel successful?  Have you replicated that feeling in other areas of your life?  Was the sacrifice (assuming that all success requires sacrifice) worth it?  Talk to me!  Tell me your stories of success (to you personally) big or small.  Let's keep sharing and learning from each other!


Until next time… Cheers!


