Laurie's Blogs.


Jun 2014

Weak Adductors

Hi Laurie,


 I would be interested in knowing your favourite ( spelled correctly ) exercises for old dogs with weak adductor muscles.  I do a lot of exercises, ball work, weight shifting, UWTM etc with these guys but would like your take on it--particularly these old dogs with L/S disease as well.



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Hi J,

Nice to hear from you!  So my favourite (also spelled correctly) exercises in this case would be:

  1. Address the root of the weakness (i.e. Lumbo-sacral disease) with traction, mobilizations, laser, acupuncture...
  2. If the problem is preventing normal function and / or making simple walking problematic or dangerous, then you need to create some sort of rear leg hobbles (like I do for the medial shoulder instability) where you want to help prevent abduction...)
  3. Other assistive devices could be in order - i.e. non-slip boots, toe grips...
  4. Then you look at exercise - and all that you suggest are right on the money.  I like the donut (doughnut - proper spelling again) a bit better than the balls - as it creates a nice little wobble and I think they get better overall stability on it.  And really anything that builds back end awareness... as I tend to think that the 'weak adductors' in these cases are neuro-based and therefore proprioceptive impairments... so cavaletti's, backing up, weaves, etc would all be in order.

So I guess that would be my thoughts and focus in that order... for these kinds of cases.

I hope that's helpful!

