Laurie's Blogs.


Feb 2014

Incline Treadmill Walking

This blog presents an article from one of the Fall FourLeg Newsletters.

Laurer SK, Hillman RB, Hosgood GL.  Effects of treadmill inclination on electromyographic activity and hind limb kinematics in healthy hounds at a walk.  Am J Vet Res 2009, 70 (5): 658 – 64.

Want to know one way to activate hamstrings in dogs? 

This study provides insight on one option.  Eight healthy hounds were utilized in this study, and were walked on a treadmill at 0.54m/s at inclines of 5%, 0% and -5%.  The researchers measured hip and stifle ROM as well as activations of the hamstrings, gluteals, and quadriceps muscle groups via surface electrogoniometric and myographic sensors.

What did they learn?

Well, as one would expect, with the 5% incline, there was an increase in hip joint ROM, and stifle joint extension decreased significantly.  And at the 5% incline, there was an increase in hamstring activation at both the beginning and end of stance phase.  The gluteals and quadriceps muscle groups were not affected when the treadmill inclination changed.

Relevance to Rehab?

We know that hamstrings are required in cruciate deficient, cruciate repaired (and even osteoarthritic) stifle joints.  So… when your post-operative TPLO patient is weight bearing consistently try challenging him / her with incline walking!
