Posting a topic on this forum

Discussion regarding whatever other odd-ball stuff that has been thrown your way!
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Posts: 1664
Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:25 pm

Posting a topic on this forum

Post by lehughes »

Hey all!
I get this question a lot, so I am going to answer it here for everyone.

How do I get on the forum and post a topic?

So, firstly, you need to register on the Forum. Why? Well, the software used for the forum is separate from the software that created the website. The forum needs you to pick a user name (and it can't be your e-mail... sorry. Software rules, not mine.)
Your password can be the same as what you use for the website itself. So, the only think different you need to remember is your user name (JaneVet, JoePT, RehabChick, or your whole name... whatever.)

Then to get onto the forum you login... when you login click the 'remember me' button so you don't have to login again every time. If it doesn't work the first time try again. Maybe it's just my fat fingers, but I don't always get it right the first time.

Next, click on the category (i.e. Orthopaedics, Neuro, Sports, Misc, etc).

The screen thereafter will allow you to post a new topic, read topics you've not read before. (Those that are 'red' are ones you've not read and that have new content).

No need to logout when you're done on the forum, just move along to whatever else you need to do.

Screen shots below to help!

Sorry for any hassles. I hope to hear from more of you on this platform!


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Site Admin
Posts: 1664
Joined: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:25 pm

Re: Posting a topic on this forum

Post by lehughes »

Last screen shot.
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Screen Shot 2019-12-15 at 3.29.42 PM.png (505.09 KiB) Viewed 407 times

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