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Patellar Luxation & Vet that doesn't want to refer

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:38 pm
by lehughes
Hello Laurie

I just LOVE that you are there for all of us. I just joined and I am so glad I did. 
I have a tricky situation and I am  wondering how you would handle this if it were you.
We had a lady come to us that just picked her dog up from her vet that had done a patella surgery. She asked him if she could get a referral to come to us and get rehab for her little dog. He told her that it wasn't needed and if she came to us he would NOT care for any post surgical complications if any occurred. She is in tears because she wants to come to us but she is so scared if God forbid, something did happen she wouldn't be able to afford more surgery etc
 I feel a bit "stuck on the middle" here and not quite sure how to approach it
 I did explain to her that the initial post surgical treatment of that we do usually involves very gentle non-invasive techniques such as , icing,  laser treatments, massage and gentle range of motion. I'm  not sure where we could possibly do any harm? Her vet said he has newest research and it says rehab is not effective, doesn't change outcome etc. Please any advise would be helpful

Thank you,

Re: Patellar Luxation & Vet that doesn't want to refer

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:43 pm
by lehughes
Hi L.,

Unfortunately, it’s not quite 100% black and white.  On one hand your question is easy and on the other hand it’s hard.

So, sure, you could try to convince the vet.  But if this is what he is saying & telling the client, it sounds like you’re not so likely to crack his ‘dense outer layer’.  If you are wanting to find articles for support, go through the FourLeg Newsletters to find ones that might be appropriate to the post-op scenario, and send them to him.  

Convincing the owner doesn’t sound likely to be the stumbling block… but it really is a moot point.

Essentially, the surgeon has laid down an ultimatum.  So, if I were in your shoes, I’d tell the owner that your hands are tied.  And that when the surgeon gives the dog the ‘all clear’ from his perspective that you’d be happy to see the dog at that point in time.  I would have the owner tell her regular vet how very disappointed she is.  If there is a different surgical option (different vet) that can be used in the future, then request that the owner ask her regular vet to be sent elsewhere if her dog is in need of surgery / ortho consult in the future and/or for a different issue.  
It’s a bit of a grass fire technique.  Have the owners be pissed off, so that they begin to complain and demand the treatment they want.  
It’s also important to ask yourself “What am I willing to lose?"  versus,  ‘What is there to gain?”

Yes, this scenario is wrong… but don’t let yourself get caught in the middle in a situation that could make things much worse in the future and/or jeopardize your clinic entirely!

I hope this helps.


Re: Patellar Luxation & Vet that doesn't want to refer

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:43 pm
by lehughes
Hi Laurie ,
Thanks so much for your advice. I totally agree. I did as you mentioned and that is where I left it. I told her we would be happy to help her in the future in any way we can. It is my opinion that we most likely will not be able to crack his outer layer!!! She has voiced her concerns to her Vet and she did tell me once he clears her she will be switching over to our clinic for future care.  Have a great day. Thank you so much for your site. It is so helpful.