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Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:32 pm
by lehughes
Hi Laurie,

Just a quick question. I currently have a biomag with an applicator pad for my pemf therapy, however, find that dogs tend to be very suspicious and wont remain still for the treatment (or run to the other side of the room as soon as I get it out!). I was thinking of purchasing a pemf mat instead. Unfortunately, they don't do a mat accessory for the biomag so I was wondering if you had any recommendations for pemf mats that would be available in the UK.

Thank you in advance.


Re: PEMF Mats

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:33 pm
by lehughes
The one I have / use is from Respond -

I would be surprised if they didn’t ship or have a UK distributor. Check in with them first.
I don’t actually know of others…

When I searched Biomag, I did find alternate applicators / accessory, I found this page: ... plicators/
I can’t quite tell size from the pictures, but I think some of them would work as mats!

Hopefully one of these solutions would work!
