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Ideas for Seminar topics

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 1:52 am
HELP!! For the last few years at a dog training center, I have presented seminars focusing on conditioning for performance dogs. I worked very hard on preparing hand-outs and thinking of hands on exercises for participants to work on over a 60 minute period.

The owner of the facility just told me today that someone else who is certified thru FitPaws is going to present the workshop on conditioning and she would like me to do something about sports medicine. To say I am ticked is an understatement. The annual rally camp is the first weekend in August and I don't have much time to throw something together.

I have no idea what to do and I felt like the conditioning program I gave them was to help them develop a level of fitness to perform well in their preferred sport. I feel like sports medicine as a general topic is something presented to fellow professionals rather than lay people. Am I wrong? Is there something hands on that is worthwhile for lay people that is tangentially related to "sports medicine"? I don't want to give a lecture on various injuries etc- I'm sure they want to participate in something , not just listen.

And ideas would be appreciated- Thanks!

Re: Ideas for Seminar topics

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:44 pm
by lehughes
Interesting times indeed...

So, go back through the list of ideas back when you first asked this question... they're in the Business & Marketing Section. Maybe one of the topics floating about in there will spark some ideas.

Alternately, off the cuff:
How to avoid injury when conditioning your dog (i.e. what not to do)
How to tell when you dog has suffered an injury and who to see for what? (i.e. a lot of them use massage therapists interchangeably with rehab professionals. We each have our place... but perhaps given them some guidelines as who to see when. i.e. Vet. Surgeon. Rehab PT or Rehab Vet. Rehab Tech. Massage. Chiro. Others?)
Otherwise you go down the path of 'advanced treatments for... and end up having to talk about PRP, Stem Cell, Radiofrequency Thermal Shrinkage, etc)... which is all well and fine if you do those / provide those, but a waste of your time if you don't. But be prepared to answer questions about that since Susan Garrett posted her Facebook Live video of her dog at VOSM!!!

Anyone else want to pipe in?
