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Wheelchair Rentals

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 1:51 am
by VetRehab
Hi everybody,

We are developing a policy for rehab equipment hire, specifically Wheelchairs & I was wondering how other people structure their rentals:
- what is the maximum term you hire them for?
- how do you structure / calculate the value of the rental?
- do you have a "buy out" fee if they decide to keep the chair at the end of their rental term? How is this calculated.

Do you have any suggestions for places to get an appropriately worded rental agreement?

Thank you so much for your help :)

Re: Wheelchair Rentals

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 3:59 am
by lehughes
Hey there!

So we do rent wheelchairs at my clinic. We have a full wheelchair wall with various kinds / sizes.
There are some that we would sell (if they fit the dog are not common ones), but mostly, we like to have many different sizes to try out for dogs and/or to rent out. (I think we might have 20!!!)
If a w/c fits, and it looks like the chair will be a long term solution, then it's likely best that the owner purchase one that is custom fit, or refurbished specifically for them. If we have a similar size, then we can sell one.

I've just checked in with my office manager & front desk to find out our monthly rental fee. I'll have to get back to you on that.

The w/c's we have are all used and donated. We once rented out a new Walkin' Wheels, but it was for a short term, and it came back to us needing repairs. I'd NOT suggest renting out a new one or purchasing w/c's for the purpose of renting.

I don't believe we have a formal rental agreement... but I'll check on that as well. But we do take a deposit ($250) on the chair.

Thats about all I can tell you until my staff gets back to me!



Re: Wheelchair Rentals

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:04 pm
by lehughes
Part two of my answer... (I asked my front desk staff / office manager what actually happens at my clinic! :mrgreen: )

So, we do have a written rental agreement, and it included the deposit and a recurring monthly charge.

The charge is a $150 deposit (again, they are all donated w/c), and then $50 / month.

In regards to purchasing, yes, folks can purchase the cart outright, and either donate it to us when they are done with it, or we might purchase it back for a nominal fee (about $100 I think).

Oddly, most people are just happy to rent them for many many months at a time!

That's what I know!



Re: Wheelchair Rentals

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2019 7:16 am
by VetRehab
Thank you :)