What do you measure?

Discussion related to starting up, operating, or growing a canine rehab business, and marketing of the same.
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What do you measure?

Post by lehughes »

I would REALLY REALLY like if more of you engaged in thinking about and chatting about business & marketing. You can be the BEST CANINE REHAB person on the planet... but if your business & marketing is crap, then your business will suffer!

So my question this week: WHAT DO YOU MEASURE?

It is said that what gets measured gets addressed?

Do you create lists and do something about your patient Fall Off's (i.e. the dogs that just stop coming)?
[*]Helpful hint: Track them then call or e-mail them to follow up!
Do you evaluate things like the time between the initial assessment and the follow up?
[*]We found that it is best if there is a 1 week for follow up. Longer time periods tend to yield higher Fall Off rates.
Do you track Cancelled appointments and check back with those clients within a week if they have not called to reschedule?
[*]People get busy, sometimes you just need to make it easy for them to remember you!
Do you measure your marketing campaigns?
[*]If you have a special on, how many took advantage of it, what was the cost of the campaign compared to the revenue, and/or did you gain NEW customers because of it?

I am hopeful to engage folks in DISCUSSION on this topic!

Cheers, Laurie

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Re: What do you measure?

Post by Nancytp »

I'm just in the process of trying to set these up

1. Initial assessment. Was thinking of a recall in 3 days and again in 1 week (so day 10) if they have not booked.
2. Cancelled apps - when cancelling put recall in to call in 5 days if not rebooked.
3. Question on how you track if they are stop coming? Do you do some type of audit periodically? ( monthly or more often?). How do you find them in your system?
4. Just started some marketing with ads in dog show programs and local theater programs. But nothing on the ads to allow us to track other than how did you find us question. Use a variation of your He's not just a dog" ad and I love it.
5. On marketing are you asking them to mention something when coming in or how are you tracking it?
6. Question on initial assessment. Does anyone have them pay when scheduling? It is a big time block if they don't show up but I think that may not be perceived as "owner friendly". Would love some input on that

Nancy Peterson

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Re: What do you measure?

Post by lehughes »

Hi Nancy!!

Thanks for participating!
You have great ideas - very appropriate - for the call backs after IA's or Cancelled appointments.
People who stop coming: Our software (Practice Perfect) has a way to track it - and we can create a list for each therapist to go through and 1) E-mail to see how the dog is doing and then 2) We send a postcard with the 'Don't forget about us' theme immediately after. Back before I had software, I just did it manually, by reviewing my appointments from the previous 3 or 4 months to see what names had dropped off.
To track an ad from a show catalogue or the like, you want some sort of a limited time offer - bring in this coupon and receive a free bag of treats... or something like that. Alternately, you can direct them to an e-mail address (i.e. create a different one or three emails through gmail that is/are specific to that promotion... so when they e-mail you, you know where it came from. Or, when they call, simply ask, 'where did you hear about me?'
Initial assessments - no, we never do a pre-pay. I'm not sure you'd be allowed... (no idea... it just seems to be a red flag for a service vs a product...) But if others have different ideas, or experiences, that would be great to hear from you!


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