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Hindlimb kicking chronic cases.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:40 pm
by dmpaster
Hi all,
I've got two cases of chronic myelopathy dogs that have started occasionally kicking with one of their hind legs.
The first one is an 9yr old German Shepherd with Degenerative Myelopathy. He is over a year out from diagnosis and gets regular acupuncture, laser and formal rehab. His hindlimb reflexes have progressed from UMN to LMN. He has no appreciable motor in his hind limbs, except for this random occasional "kick" with his left hind leg.

The second is a 7yr old Frenchie who had a disc extrusion 5 years ago and has a T3 to L3 myelopathy. Surgery was not done. She has some motor in her hind limbs and is pretty functional and comfortable. She comes for UWT and occasionally kicks with one hind leg as well.

My best guess with both of these cases is that there is some random firing of a reflex arc and it doesn't mean that anything is improving. The problem is the owners of the DM dog (and some of my staff) think that the kicking is a good thing.

Please help me understand what is going on here so I can explain it to my clients.


Re: Hindlimb kicking chronic cases.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 6:46 pm
by dmpaster
Here's video of the Frenchie. (I hope!)

Re: Hindlimb kicking chronic cases.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:03 am
by lehughes
Hey Diane!!

Nice to hear from you!

So, I am thinking along the same lines as you are: Random firing.

My other thought process would be exaggerated spinal reflex arc. Especially as it pertains to the Frenchie. It makes more sense with UMNL. The DM dog is more confusing... that's where I think random firing makes the most sense.

I also agree with you, it is not a sign of improvement. I tend to think quite the opposite in fact - and entrenching of spinal reflex arc b/c there is no down regulation from the brain.

I hope this helps!

All the best,
