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Atlanto-Axial post surgical stabilization

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:45 pm
by lehughes
So, I'm posting this for discussion. One of my colleagues asked me about a case the other day.

A little dog with AA subluxation that was surgically stabilized. It was pretty bad originally, so I'm told. The dog still had / does some weird things (i.e. the neck makes a noise when she moves).
The therapist is just working on balance and staying clear of the neck in regards to manual therapies of any sort, and just working on balance and such.

The questions / discussion point is around the fact that the owner wants the dog to have a dental. The client's vet is asking the therapist is she has any concerns about sedating this dog. (Now, just to point out the obvious, yes, it's weird that the regular vet would ask the physio this question... but good on that vet for at least recognizing that this could be a problem and that he/she should ask someone about it.)

Here was my advice to my colleague.

In MY opinion, it would be risky for that dog to EVER be intubated, ever again. I told her to reply to the vet that she should ask the neurologist that did the surgery that question, but that she would have concerns about the position that the neck must be in to intubate that dog AND the position of the neck during a dental (especially to examine or clean the back teeth, or to do an extraction).

So, to the vets and techs/nurses out there, have you seen this before?
Is the hair on the back of my neck standing up unnecessarily at the prospect of what could go wrong in a dental with this dog?
