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Cruciate Braces... what's the update?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:53 pm
by K9Rehab
Good morning everyone,
Searching for "cruciate bracing" isn't work as the search terms are too common! I feel like I would love an update on what everyone is using as it seems that there are a lot more braces popping up online. I frequently have customers asking if a certain brace they found on amazon or similar would be helpful. I'm familiar with Hero and K9Orthotics. And I'll preface by saying that I currently recommend bracing with caution (and honestly infrequently) when it comes to my clients and always stress the importance of activity modification and strengthening. What are your thoughts or recommendations?

Re: Cruciate Braces... what's the update?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:42 pm
by lehughes

So, you can search term Bracing or Conservative Cruciate on FourLeg. But I don't think I have anything NEW NEW (or rather anything newer than about 2017).

I tend to recommend surgery if the dog is young, sporty, and/or if there is a meniscal tear. If the dog is older, medically compromised, or a 'potato' then they do well with a brace. Naturally, there are always going to be some exceptions to this rule, but it's how I start out looking at any given case.

The 'over the counter' varieties (i.e. Balto) aren't going to provide the same stability that a custom orthotic will, but may have an impact on proprioception... which just MIGHT be beneficial. (Same goes for using kinesiology tape on a cruciate deficient stifle.)

I don't feel comfortable being the one to 'recommend' an over-the-counter / pre-sized brace. I don't feel like it is in MY best professional judgement to do so. That being said, SOME do find they help. So, if someone is adamant that they want to try that route, then I would support them via the rehab strategies.

I would LOVE to hear what experience others have had with the 'off the shelf' / 'over the counter' varieties as well!

Let's hope others pipe up!



Re: Cruciate Braces... what's the update?

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:03 pm
by K9Rehab
Thank you for this response Laurie. I agree... I think there's some benefit to the OTC, but there are so many out there these days, I was hoping for some actual first hand experience.

PS. Searching Cruciate, Cruciate Bracing or Bracing doesn't work on the forum, that was what I tried first - comes back as "terms are too common" is there a way to change that?


Re: Cruciate Braces... what's the update?

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 6:02 pm
by lehughes
Ugh... I really hoped we would get some feedback too.
I tried to use search terms, and you're correct, not getting much that is helpful. I tried OTC (over the counter) and found one previous discussion along these lines but had nothing new to add.

I might suggest posting on one of the FB Forums. I have a colleague asking the same question right now. Balto is the only OTC one I have seen talked about often. I think as a profession, we have all just scoffed at the OTC versions... so perhaps very few of us have much of any experience to share!!!
