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Sit - just sit - to train it or not

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:19 pm
by lehughes
I'm posting this one, just as a place for 'less public' discussion on this blog post.

The author is a well respected trainer / behaviourist from Norway. She has plenty of good insights.

In the blog above she discusses how sit is problematic or dangerous. On quick analysis, I'd have to say that the article makes some assumptions and assertions that cannot be backed up.

That repeated requests to 'sit' can jeopardize joints and cause pain especially in puppies.
  • Do we actually see this?
    My clientele that is very heavily involved in obedience, do not have dogs that have hip arthritis as they age.
The assertion that the joints are not connected as evidenced by x-rays. Well, this isn't 100% true either. The ends of the bones are more cartilage based, which doesn't show up on x-rays, but the joints aren't just floating in space.

The part about older dogs that have troubles sitting / getting up and down from sitting. I'm okay with minimizing the requests for those dogs to sit.

The study about sitting causing an increase in occular pressure is interesting... but I'd like the reference for that, if it's true.

The overall recommendations, I don't think can be made from the information presented. I think it's an interesting concept... but requires more information to back up the assertion.

Tell me your thoughts!

