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Forelimb Amputee Carts

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:00 pm
by Philippa
Hi All,

I have a client who ordered her cart through Eddie's wheels. Little Meggie is very good at just using her hind-limbs and coasting with her left forelimb. I was kinda hoping that she would use her left forelimb but just take a little weight off it while in the cart.

Meg does have some elbow osteoarthritis on radiographs but physically she is actually very comfortable through her elbow and the rest of her forelimb at the moment. I see her every month for acupuncture, laser and a general check. I suggested the cart in case of progression of her arthritis or an injury to her paw (we have lots of flints around here).

My question is...does it matter if she coasts if she is still doing some walks without the cart or should I be encouraging her to use her left forelimb? If she should be using her forelimb how do I go about getting her to use it? I've attached pictures of her in the cart and there are some videos here from her owner. Her owner had a play with lowering the cart a little to see if this helps. ... ...

Many thanks,


Re: Forelimb Amputee Carts

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 2:33 am
by lehughes
Hello again Philippa!

I can't seem to get the video to play, either by clicking on the link or by cutting and pasting into a browser bar. But no matter, I can still answer the question.

So, to be honest, I'd not worry about whether or not she is using the forelimb when in the cart. If the purpose is to get more exercise, it's doing the trick!! If she bops around a little by hopping to get around the house or yard, then she's still building the forelimb a bit as well.
It's likely not so easy to use the front limb... a 3-legged gait is much different than 4. So she might not ever 'get it' or it might take some time. But honestly, I'd not worry.

From a physio perspective, we thing about 'Function' as compared to is it 'normal' or 'like it used to be'? So, you go with function... is she moving about functionally in the cart? Yes! So don't worry about that leg. She can likely 'fly' with it tucked up! I'd say, let her have that!!

I hope this helps! My 2 cents anyways!

Best of luck!


Re: Forelimb Amputee Carts

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 3:50 pm
by Philippa
Hi Laurie,

Thank you for your help (as always!). Meg gets around great without the cart so it is just to take the weight off the remaining forelimb. So that's great we don't have to worry about the front end!

Many thanks,
