Extreme carpal & tarsal laxity in GSD pup

Discussion related to the musculoskeletal system - injuries, post-op, lameness, extremity issues (joint, muscle, tenon, fascia...), axial skeleton issues, etc., as it relates to canine rehabilitation.
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Extreme carpal & tarsal laxity in GSD pup

Post by lehughes »


Glad you had fun in Norway!! By the sound of your blogs you have had a pretty crazy life this spring.

I need some advice on a case. I saw a 6mo M/N GSD puppy with severe laxity in carpi and hocks. He is basically walking on his metacarpal and metatarsal bones. He also has increased laxity in his phalangeal joints. As well there is effusion in the elbow joints but does not seem to be any pain. I have never seen a GS puppy with this much laxity before and am worried there is not much hope to gain strength in his soft tissues. The radoiocarpal and ulnarcarpal bones are displaced palmar but are still mobile, although there was no way I could get them in a normal position. His carpal pads are worn from being in contact with the ground constantly while walking and he has callouses on the plantar surfaces of the tarsal area for the same reason.

Unfortunately he was neutered at 7 weeks because of an inguinal hernia. He is a very large GSD and has had OK nutrition so far…Acana lg breed puppy, then Hill’s senior diet to get a lower protein level as recommended by the breeder now back to the Acana.

I have never seen a case of laxity in a shepherd puppy this bad and warned the owner that there could be permanent repercussions. I will send a video of him and some photos in a subsequent email.

Wondering if you have any ideas either with supplements, nutrition, or exercises that might help him..and if you have seen one this severe before and how it turned out.


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