Bilateral TPLO - 2weeks apart

Discussion related to the musculoskeletal system - injuries, post-op, lameness, extremity issues (joint, muscle, tenon, fascia...), axial skeleton issues, etc., as it relates to canine rehabilitation.
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Bilateral TPLO - 2weeks apart

Post by lehughes »

I Laurie!
Hope you're doing great!

I recently start in a veterinary rehab clinic. It's good to be back in rehab ;)

Next week I will see a dog (1,5 years , labrador) who just had is second TPLO. The first one was two weeks ago. I think the dog didn't have a rehab program after his first TPLO.
Do you have any recomandations with this second post-TPLO? Anything to evaluate in particular o any exercices in particular? Do I plan my rehab program toward the last TPLO knee?

Another question: Do you have references about the efficacity of the laser on canine rehab patient? I have collegues who aren't convince.

thank you and take care!!

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Re: Bilateral TPLO - 2weeks apart

Post by lehughes »

Hi GL,

So, firstly, having a second TPLO & rehab could be the best thing that happens to this dog. Both sides will rehab together. The first 2 weeks could be a bit tougher on the owner since the ‘first leg’ is still weak. These guys rehab VERY well. The first 3-weeks is likely a bit slower for progression, and the owner needs to be extra careful about non-slip, helping up / down & in / out of things. Injury consequences are higher.
But they do great!!!

I don’t modify much in regards to rehab strategies, but I do monitor BOTH legs and watch for there to be good movement and strength before adding challenges.

In regards to laser research that is canine rehab specific! Grrr! That makes me so mad. All of the basic research to validate lasers has been done on animals. So we know what it can do - especially in a controlled research setting. In a clinical setting, you are doing MANY things… and as such, you won’t find a study that says ‘laser helps rehab’ b/c to use laser alone is poor care. To combine it with other things makes sense. The best argument I would suggest would be to show the fundamental research that shows what it does. Check the documents in the Articles / Modalities section. It’s a bit older… but the info is still as relevant as ever!

Best of luck!


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