Laurie's Blogs.


Dec 2023

How to Talk So People Will Listen

Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt, CAFCI, CCRT, Cert. Sm. Anim. Acup / Dry Needling

Following up on the last two blogs… here we have HOW to Talk to People!


In a world filled with noise and constant chatter, the art of effective communication is more crucial than ever. The ability to be heard and understood is a skill that can open doors, foster connections, and drive positive change. However, with so much competing for our attention, it's essential to master the art of talking so that people will listen. In this blog, we'll explore key insights from three valuable articles to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to communicate effectively and captivate your audience.


1. Understanding the Basics of Communication

Before delving into specific techniques, it's crucial to recognize the fundamental importance of communication. People crave the need to be heard and respected. It's a basic human desire to feel valued, and actively listening to others is a powerful way to fulfill that need. Unfortunately, in a world dominated by self-expression, the balance between speaking and listening has been disrupted.


2. Techniques for Effective Communication

a.  Techniques for Being Heard

  • Stop Mindless Chatter: Cut through the noise by focusing on meaningful conversations.
  • Understand What Listening Looks Like: Actively engage with the speaker to show genuine interest.
  • Remove Distractions: Create an environment conducive to effective communication.
  • Put Important Things in Writing: Ensure clarity and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Watch Your Body Language: Non-verbal cues speak volumes; be mindful of your expressions.
  • Cut to the Chase: Get to the point to maintain interest and engagement.


b.  Strategies to Get People to Listen

  • Be Direct and Concise: Get to the point and stay on topic.
  • Use Positive Language: Foster a positive atmosphere for better reception.
  • Speak Clearly: Employ a natural tone of voice to enhance understanding.
  • Take Pauses: Allow time for reflection between thoughts.
  • Use Authoritative Body Language: Project confidence through your posture and gestures.
  • Make Eye Contact: Establish a connection by maintaining eye contact.
  • Analyze Audience Body Language: Adapt your communication based on the feedback you receive.
  • Find Common Ground: Build rapport by identifying shared interests.
  • Listen Actively: Demonstrate empathy through focused attention and eye contact.


c.  Ways to Talk Effectively

  • Care About Communication Skills: Acknowledge the importance of effective communication.
  • Judge Your Message Harshly: Ensure your message adds practical value.
  • Talk in Short Bursts: Keep your communication concise.
  • Begin with the Conclusion: Clearly state the purpose of your message upfront.
  • Add Inflection to Your Voice: Make your delivery engaging and dynamic.
  • Avoid Tooting Your Own Horn: Focus on the message, not self-promotion.
  • Evaluate Successful Communicators: Learn from experienced team members.
  • Be Yourself: Authenticity is key to effective communication.
  • Seek Feedback: Continuously improve by gathering input from others.
  • Like the People You're Talking To: Genuine liking enhances communication.


3. Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Effective Communication

In a world where everyone wants to be heard, mastering the art of effective communication is a valuable skill. By incorporating the techniques outlined in these articles, you can create meaningful connections, foster understanding, and ensure that your message is not just heard but truly listened to. Remember, the key lies in balancing self-expression with active and respectful listening.



